Quit Being Busy: How To Get Past the Distractions and Into What's Important

I remember early in my career I had to stand outside my husband’s workplace in my suit and finish a phone call with my office manager. As people walked by I remember feeling oddly powerful and important. I was so important that I was to busy too join the family luncheon.

This feeling of importance later resurfaced as my business began to grow and my emails would constantly alarm my phone. I began to say, “I’ll have to check my calendar” and rush from meeting to meeting. I began to tell others how busy I was, and how I just needed a moment to myself and a lunch with my girlfriends.

Being busy somehow made me important. It made me a “hustler”. I was making things happen! I was a working mom, dropping the kids off in heels and saying things like, “I’m not like the other moms, I don’t have time for drama. I’m too busy!”

But the truth was I was filling my life and calendar with things that made me look busy which in turn made me feel important.

Truthfully these things added no value to my life and if it doesn’t add to the value of your life, it will add to the burn out of your life.

Similar to the high from a drug, I had to realize that the feeling of importance I had once received from being busy, had become an addiction for me.

I was constantly adding things to my life so I could say how busy I was, and hear others tell me, “we don’t know how you do it all.”

I have learned that a person can only divide their passion and skill 5 ways.

Once you get beyond 5 you began to lose passion and effectiveness.

I began to practice this in my life.


My five:
Relationship with my spouse
My children (Time with them, not time volunteering at their activities or interest)
My business
Volunteer work with government trade
Volunteer work with Immerse Arkansas

My five have changed over the years, as my life phase changes.

Nowadays I feel more balanced and harmonized and I get my “high” from seeing others succeed, travel, or even just a free Saturday to do nothing with.

I still get the question, “How do you do so much?” And my response is “I only do what I’m passionate about.” So it seems like I am doing “so much” but I am really still within my five.

Busy is not part of the hustle. Busy is a distraction. Rest and reflection are part of the hustle.

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