What to Wear to Work

Clothes. Clothes that are clean and cover your body from the elements.

Alright, Alright, I know that answer is not why you clicked on this blog.

Don’t worry. I will get to some actual examples and tips. However, as women we need to be aware that we put to much thought into what we wear. Much of that thought is concerned with what others will think of us.

If we wear the hoochie hoops, will they think we are to ghetto? If we wear the flats will they find us to dull? Do we look like a grandma in florals? Is this outfit to colorful for the office?

And the worst, Will I be taken seriously in my role in this outfit?

STOP THAT! You will be taken seriously in your roll if you are serious about your roll.

When I first started my career the advice I was given was, “Don’t let your dress distract from your ability.” Because of that advice I spent the early years of my career wearing clothes I didn’t feel comfortable in. Black ill fitting pants, boxy black blazers and maybe a colorful shell under the blazers. I spent hours deciding if what I was wearing was appropriate. I looked like every image on google of “what to wear to work” in the early 2000’s. (See insert)

Are clothes important in your career? Yes! But not because of what they say about you, but because of how they make you feel.

Wear what makes you feel like the beautiful badass that you are!

Some tips I have learned:

At busy stages in my life, think getting kids ready in the morning, I stuck to simple clothes and colorful jewelry. Almost everything I owned was black and I had costume jewelry for days. It was easy because everything matched I could add personality with my jewelry. A personal favorite now days is Paparazzi jewelry because it’s fashion forward, inexpensive and helps promote empowering women.

Buy clothes that color coordinate. This helps make your decision easier, and allows you to make multiple outfits with few pieces.

Shop at thrift stores and get the items tailored. This gives you great fitting clothes at cheap prices! In my Book More Than, How to be Bold and Balanced in Life and Business I talk at length about how I made this tip my secret wardrobe weapon.


I can not tell you how many young women I have seen come in to my office wearing a “Suit” that is ill fitting and they clearly don’t feel comfortable in. It shows in everything they do and affects how they come across in interviews.
I know, because I did it too!

Another rule to live by, if you would wear it to the club, don’t wear it to an interview. Just as a MAN should dress for the job he wants so should a woman. Look to some woman you admire and take their cues on how they dress.

Another Tip is to google the company or event and see how others are dressed. Are they more causal or dressy? This gives a great point of reference.

Overall, remember that how you feel in your clothes should be the deciding factor of what you wear!

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